Frequently asked questions

What are the opening hours?
The Klub is only open when we have an event planned. Our events usually last from 11 PM until 7
AM. Check our socials and website for upcoming events.
Where can I find the timetables?
We post the timetable the night before the event or the day itself. It will appear online on our
Facebook and Instagram page. The timetable also mentions which rooms are open.
Are there tickets available at the door?
As long the event isn’t sold out, there still are tickets left that you can buy. First come, First served.
I lost my ticket(s), what do I do now?

Click on the link below to retrieve your ticket(s).

Do I pay by card or in cash?

You can pay with regular banking/credit cards at any bar. Prefer using cash? You can buy a spending card at the top up station to be found in our club.

Are lockers available?

Yes! We have lockers at our venue where you can store your coats/bags when you go dancing. Please only bring essential items with you to the venue, the locker won’t close properly if it is too jammed! After putting your belongings in, you put the locker coin in, close the door, turn the key and pull it out.

Take a photo of your locker number and most importantly: don’t lose your key! There is a €20 fine if you lose the key.

Do you have parking at the venue?

There is a parking lot where you can leave your car/bike next to the venue. The parking is guarded by our security. Please take note that 5EUR is being charged to use our parking.

Who do I talk to if I get unwell or feel harassed or discriminated?

If you feel unwell or unsafe, a professional medical crew and security team is always at your disposal.
You can turn there for questions or help. You can always approach our security and bar staff as well.

We are the only Belgian club that provides a professional first aid crew at every event. Don’t be
afraid to talk to them, they have professional secrecy. The first aid point is a safe space.

Where can I have my smoke/vape break?

We have designated smoking areas outside with ashtrays. Please respect each other and our venue.
Smoke outside.

Who can I contact if I have lost or forgotten something?

If you send an email to we will be able to help you further.
Remember to give a good description of what you lost. The more identifying elements you include in
your email, the easier it will be to find!

What is Kompass’ entry policy?

A valid ticket and ID will give you access to our premises. Entry can be denied if you’re visibly too
intoxicated or when showing disrespectful behavior towards our crew or other visitors.

You or your bag may be searched. We want to give a safe environment to our visitors.

What is Kompass’ re-entry policy?

Kompass applies a strict no re-entry policy. In = in, out = out.

When leaving the venue, please consider our neighbors and leave quietly.

Minimum age and zero tolerance?

Kompass Klub is strictly 18+ and applies a zero tolerance policy towards drug use, hate, racism,
sexism or any form of discrimination. We strictly condemn this behavior and will act firmly when any
issues occur. If you see any issues, please go towards our security, medical crew or bar staff.

Is there a dress code?

There is no dress code. Please come as you are.

How do I get to Kompass Klub?

Kompass Klub is located at Vliegtuiglaan 12, 9000 Ghent. The location is easily reachable by public transport, bike or car.
Please use public transport as much as possible in order to help us avoid any traffic or mobility issues. Always look after your friends when going to or leaving Kompass!

Get off at Gent Dampoort. From there on a 20 minute walk will get you to our premises. Near the station you can also find a bus station which offers a wide range of busses. Check the bus section in our FAQ or the app of ‘De Lijn’ for more detailed info.

Bus 6 drives from 05:50 in the morning up until 23:30. Get off at ‘P+R Muide’, from there on a 5 minute walk will get you to our premises. The detailed stop schedule of bus 6 can be checked here.
Bus 5b drives from 6:10 in the morning up until 01:00. Get off at ‘Pauwstraat’, from there on a 10 minute walk will get you to our premises. The detailed stop schedule of bus 5b can be checked here.

Sufficient bike parking is available at our premises. Visibility is key while riding a bike so make sure your lights work. We also highly recommend to wear a reflective vest.

There is a parking lot where you can leave your car next to the venue. The parking is guarded by our security. Please take note that 5EUR is being charged to use our parking.

Please respect our neighbours and their premises by leaving no trash nor vehicles behind. Sleeping in your car is not allowed. Don’t drink and drive, the only safe driver is a 100% sober driver. Look after your friends!

What about taxi's?

Sufficient taxi drivers are located just outside our venue. Only ride with official taxi’s from the city and discuss the price beforehand. To give you an idea, a fair price for a ride towards the nearest train station sits aroud 15EUR.

Is the venue wheelchair accessible?

The entire location is wheelchair accessible. There is also a disabled toilet available, you can ask for
the key at the first aid point.

May I still enter even though it is not my own name on the ticket?

As long as the ticket is valid, you can enter. Be aware of ticket scammers and only buy tickets via
Ticketswap or people you actually know.